Boomer apartments to be created within restaurant zone

LONDON: Boomer apartments are to be created within a mixed development in a seaside town.

A new apartment building, with room for a restaurant on the ground floor could be built in the seaside town of Swansea.

A development application has been submitted for a multistorey complex with residential apartments, a restaurant and commercial tenancies at 1A-1B Franklin St, Swansea.

Proposed at the site is 17 apartments across three floors, with space for three shops on the ground floor.

“It is intended that these tenancies will comprise of office space (business and professional services), retail (general retail & hire) and possible cellar door,” the plan says.

“A cafe/bar is also proposed at ground floor.”

Most of the work is proposed for 1A Franklin St, but the proposal also includes use of a caretakers building at 1B, which will be used for storage.

“The proposal will require a boundary adjustment, to include the existing kiosk/caretakers building located in the northern corner of 1B Franklin Street” the plan says.

“It is understood this building was previously used as a caretakers dwelling, in association with the existing ‘Swann Inn’ at 1B Franklin Street.”

Building regulations for the area allow building heights of up to 9m for the area.

“The building will have a maximum height above natural ground level of approximately 12.2m, from the lowest point from natural ground level centrally within the site – along the southeastern side of the building,” the plan says.

“Along Franklin Street, the proposed development has a maximum height of approximately 10.8m.”

The planner said the current condition of the site detracted from the Swansea streetscape.

“Swansea is commonly characterised a seaside town, not unlike several other townships along the East Coast which experience relatively high seasonal fluctuations in residents and tourists,” the plan said.

“The colder winter months often result in a downturn in day-to-day activity, which can lead to limited trading hours for local businesses.

“There are also elements that detract from the character of the area and the streetscape, such as: The condition of the existing site, which until recently supported several vacant and dilapidated buildings.”