New tech startup helping care home residents pass on memories

LONDON: A new tech start-up is now helping care home residents pass on their memories.

After her father passed away, Jessica McNaughton cherished the voice messages he had left her on her home phone and the recording she had of his laughter.

They comforted her as she grieved. But when her mother passed away 10 years earlier, she didn’t have any of that.

“I can’t hear her voice anymore,” McNaughton said.

These personal experiences with grief and seeing how much of a difference having voice recordings made in her healing journey drove the Moose Jaw resident to create a company called memoryKPR (pronounced memory keeper), which she co-founded with software developer Taylor Fox.

memoryKPR is a digital platform that allows users to upload pictures, audio recordings, videos, letters and other written text messages. The user can choose who is all allowed to contribute elements and the finished product can be shared with others. McNaughton and Fox began developing the platform in April 2020.

In the past, people would keep written journals and photo albums, McNaughton said. But now that so much of people’s lives are captured in digital media, she saw a need for a way to permanently store the memories that couldn’t be printed off and stored in a book.

“It displays like a story on the screen, and then you can also export it to create videos and do other types of media out of it,” McNaughton said, describing it as a “digital time capsule.”

The platform currently has around 250 active users, but with a new partnership with Eden Care Communities in the works, McNaughton hopes to see a growing number of care home residents have a way of passing on their memories to their families.

The program has already been piloted with two residents’ families at Prairie Springs Care Home in Saskatoon, and McNaughton said both families were thrilled with the finished product.

“We had some staff that were spending one-on-one time with elders in their facilities, and so sitting down, capturing some of these elders’ stories, asking them questions,” she said.

Alan Stephen, CEO of Eden Care Communities, said he first heard about memoryKPR when it was nothing more than an idea McNaughton pitched at a Conexus Incubator 24 Hour Startup session. He thought it was an idea his care homes could put to good use. After a successful trial run with the two residents in Prairie Springs, Stephen said he is working on a partnership with memoryKPR to see the technology brought into all of its care homes.

“Storytelling is an art we’ve lost,” he said. “Given the nomadic part of our society where mom and dad may not be in the same location as their kids or their brothers and sisters, gathering those stories is so important.”

For the residents whose memories are giving way to dementia, Stephen said playing back their own memories to them may even help connect them back to reality in a similar way that music sometimes does.

The platform has a free model that can be used for smaller memory collections like for weddings or retirement celebrations. The paid model is subscription-based and costs $7.95 per month for unlimited storage.