New Snug app allows users to share health data

BURNIE: A new personal health app designed and developed in Tasmania will allow users to easily bring together their health data in one secure place.

The Snug app allows users to bring together their medical history, prescriptions, allergies and medications along with their My Heath Record data and personal fitness information.

Snug chief executive Michael Bennett said with around 90 per cent of Australian’s owning a smart phone, and many having wearable health and fitness devices, this affordable and easy to use app was developed with the goal of placing them in the driver’s seat of their health care management.

“Snug is an essential tool which can be used to manage medications, keep track of blood glucose and blood pressure while allowing carers and loved ones to remotely view this up-to-date medical information online,” Mr Bennett said.

“The ability to also share your health data with GP’s, hospitals and other health professionals in real time will ultimately generate better health outcomes for all Australians.

“This is particularly important in Tasmania, where we record the highest rate of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and lung disease.”

Mr Bennett said the app also includes a “bluebook” which will allow Tasmanians to keep track of child immunisations, family health notes and development milestones.

Members of St Lukes Health have free access to the app through a partnership with Snug.