Nursing home design on shortlist for Global Award

MELBOURNE: The shortlist for the best nursing home design has been declared.

Aging in the Lorraine region, and more precisely in the Meuse, in Vaucouleurs, nursing homes are not hospitals, and the time when these homes were over-sanitized and impersonal seems to be over. We were eager to suit the preferences of the occupants, who have a taste for noble materials, light, proportions and, to put it simply, architecture.

The building is situated on a slope. The view opens onto several layers of landscape, revealing the forgotten little wood and its tall trees. Inside the building, the large room is topped with a framework, which spans the entire width of the building and unfolds gradually towards the large bay window. On the south side, a walk-in garden allows residents to enjoy fresh air and sunshine.

The Global Award winner will be announced in December in London. (Globals)